
Showing posts from November, 2020

The pregnant man Guinness World Record-Thomas Beatie

(The story of the pregnant man in the history of mankind, Thomas Beatie who enrolled his name in Guinness World Record.) We have seen many strange things occur in this world. We all know the facts that only females can give a birth to a child, but have you ever heard about a man giving a birth to child, there's a man from Hawaii, united states name Thomas Beatie who gave birth to three children. But the question is how can a man get pregnant.? Here I have research and wrote this blog to let you all know about his life journey and reveal the strange thing. The pregnant man. On 20 January 1974 Beatie family gave birth to a girl name Tracy Beatie who was the first of two children. Beatie's mother was from san Francisco and her father was from Korean, she was born and raised in Hawaii, United States. At the age of 10 Tracy experienced to becoming a boy, But refused to reassignment the gender surgery. As a teenager she was an black belt and champion in taekwondo tournament, and she ...